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5 Quick Ways to Boost your Sex Appeal


You’re either naturally attractive or you’re not. Right? Wrong. Yes, some men are gifted in the looks department but with the right attitude and a few tweaks, you can enhance your sex appeal and feel better about yourself in the process.

We’ve kept it simple by sticking to the five senses:

1. Smell Good (Subtly)

Scent is the quickest way to imbed yourself in another person’s subconscious, and it’s the best part about wearing your other half’s shirt to bed. 

Before you go splashing around after shave, consider this. Does your smell arrive in the room before you do? Or is it layered into your skin and hair so that it only reveals itself to those close enough for a little loving? Now that’s sexy. 

Everything from your shaving soap to your beard oil and pomade are opportunities to smell good in a subtle, low effort way. You're using these products anyway, so why not choose ones that smell intoxicating? Here are some of our favourites:


2. Look Good (Effortlessly)

Styling your hair in the morning should be quick and fun, and that comes down to having the right cut and the right product. Our expert barbers have all the latest skills and style inspiration, whether you want a V Fade Pompadour, or just the usual, or to channel your inner Dwayne Johnson with a spit and polish (there's no actual spitting involved we promise). 

If you don't know how to describe what you want, have a browse through our look book then find your local here.

And whatever you do, don't leave without the styling product your barber used on your hair! The right pomade makes all the difference.


3. Taste Good (always)

Brush your teeth. Morning and night. And go easy on the after shave in places you might want to be kissed.


4. Sound Good

Curating a banging music collection is an art. We've done all the hard work for you with our Summer 32 playlist, exclusive to our email subscribers.


5. Feel Good

This is two fold. Feel good for yourself, and feel good for whoever might be lucky enough to run their hands over your cheeks or chest in a moment of passion.

Following steps 1 though 4 will take care of feeling good for yourself. To feel good for someone else to touch, you need a decent shaver or razor, and skincare designed for men. 

Here are some of our favorites when it comes to a close shave and hydrated skin.

And for our bearded friends:


There you go. You're sexier and you know it.